Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Fan/Support Page on Twitter

Justine would like you all to know that she has created a Fans/Support Page on Twitter its called @TweamMurs

This is a fans support page which Justine has created herself and has asked me to advertise it on Our Website.

Ttfn Vickylynn


  1. thankyou so much vickylynn (: really appreciate it hopefully olly will too ! @TweamMurs WOO ! xx justine

  2. Just follwed you Justine! There are a few groups on facebook so its about time to have a twitter one too - Olly will take over the world haha
    Love Aimee xx

  3. Hello Mum! will go take a tweet at tweam murs- i love it!
    fay xxx

  4. Hello Fay ! thanks for the attention to @TweamMurs we support olly 100% have done from his first audition i even liked him on deal or no deal haha , we really hope olly knows about us soon. Love to the family xxx

    Justine x

  5. Hi Fay and VickyLynn, I am one of the group of original Olly supporters along with Justine!! Love him loads! He is so talented, and is going to go far! Love to you all xxx Tara xxx

  6. This website just keeps getting better and better! Firstly it is about Olly - brilliant, secondly - it is ran Olly's mum (Thanks VickyLynn - we love you for it!) even more brilliant and now his sister is contributing too! I think that Olly is one lucky man to have so much family support. Twitter, facebook, youtube, 'Olly Love' (to quote Gemma) is spreading everywhere with everyone showing their support and I love it! Fantastic!
    Love Aimee xxx

  7. Thank you Aimee, Tara and Justine. Its you, the fans,that make ollys dreams come true-he really appreciates everything his fans do for him. Fingers crossed he has an amazing year! Thank you for all your olly support!
    Love fay x

  8. Hi Fay
    I am sure Olly will have an amazing year and next year it will be him collecting awards at the brits, probably for his number one single and album. I am already waiting to buy tickets for his own tour! We are all waiting on news of a record deal and will keep everything crossed for Olly!
    Love Aimee xx

  9. All fingers & toes will be crossed for a record deal for Olly!! I love this site, and it being run by his family is perfect (hello Fay), Vickylynn is so lovely for replying to emails when she can and you know what is being said is the absolute truth!! Love it!! Keep up the good work XXXX

  10. :o
    i cannot believe my OLLY LOVE is everywhere i look!
    ITS WORKING!! :o)

    Little Gem, Witham xx

  11. Hello Fay,

    Lovely to see a wonderful comment from you, each day that goes by you must be so proud to be blessed with a lovely Brother like Olly. He's got so much love and he is so caring and just doing so well and most of all enjoying every minute.
    I think its so lovely that your Mom takes the time to reply to emails and seeing everything on here is all true and that just makes it so different.
    Thank you for creating such a lovely place :)
    Love & Hugs
    Michelle.(West Midlands)

  12. Hi Olly,
    Just saw Robbie at Brit awards - he was fab. But Olly I can see you there next year or soon after. You have all the charisma and charm of Robbie and some. I look forward to your future career - beleive in your self. WE do.
